Keyword: «picture of the world»

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The article is devoted to the creative dialogue Sergei Klychkov and Leonid Dobichina - writers of the same era, and a similar fate. The focus of the study-mifopoeticheskih features prose writers, tea party scene detection function in the novel and the short story Klychkov S. L.Dobychina having both mythical and poetical authors of similar meaning.
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The thesis is devoted to the study of the landscape discourse as an author’s explication picture of the world within the Russian lyrics in the late 1960-s and mid 1980-s. The literary works of A. Tarkovsky, B. Chichibabin, N. Rubtsov, Yu. Kuznetsov, A. Kushner, B. Akhmadulina, V. Sosnory, E. Schwartz are analyzed as representative figures of neotraditionalistic and neoavantgarde development vectors of the Russian poetry in the second half of the XXth century.
The article deals with a visual method of teaching in the history of mankind – its origin, development and theoretical intention in the works of Jan Amos Comenius. The author cites a number of evidences that the principle of visibility was actively used in teaching through thematic classrooms, textbooks and other means, and Comenius’ Orbis Pictus became the apotheosis of the practical application of this method and the beginning of its theoretical understanding.
The poetic picture of the world, gives its difference from linguistic and conceptual points is examined in the article. The poetic picture of the world is regarded as the result of a specifically poetic worldview. The world created by a poetic word is a world of complex relations, interactions and connections. And it is going on with an extraordinary virtuosity.
Metaphor is a unique means of cognition of deep, invisible processes occurring in the human mind while comprehending and interpreting the surrounding reality. The cognition of the world occurs in the process of comparing new realities with already known objects or phenomena; the result of such comparisons is usually called the language picture of the world. This work is based on the study of metaphors in the artistic picture of the world of L.N. Tolstoy.