Keyword: «strike»

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Soviet historical science traditionally payed much attention to the issues of the working-class movement. After the victory of the socialist revolution, domestic science adhered to a position that the working class was the only revolutionary class of the 20th century, its interests were priority over the interests of other classes of society, and the CPSU was its advanced vanguard. Nevertheless, being in these apparently favorable conditions, the regional labor movement often remained beyond the research of historians. This was not an accident: Soviet historians could not view the labor movement of the early twentieth century separately from the revolutionary movement, i.e. apart from other political parties operating in Russia during that chronological period. It was precisely this that made undesirable studying the regional labor movement for ideological and political reasons. Then it was difficult to imagine, to admit the very idea that not the Bolsheviks, but other parties could not only have a significant influence, but also lead local workers. The Mensheviks and Social Revolutionaries were the leading revolutionary force in Don, Kuban and Stavropol regions during this chronological period. This article is devoted to the analysis of the historians’ works, in which the object of research gradually expanded.