Keyword: «training potential of tasks»

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In the modern educational process, tasks in the test form are used extremely widely and mainly with a controlling purpose. The range of training tasks is much wider. A logical question is posed: are the tasks in the test form able to fully identify the educational achievements of the subjects? On the other hand, test tasks have a certain learning potential, which has not yet been sufficiently studied. Foreign researchers have accumulated much more experience in this area due to the different levels of the test method introduction into the educational practice of the domestic school at earlier historical stages and the period of prohibition of the theoretical development of this direction. Both Russian and foreign scientists emphasize not only the advantages of the test method, but also the danger of using it as the dominant form of control. The training functionality of test tasks, according to literary sources, is mainly due to better memorization of information, as well as the active use of the capabilities of modern digital technologies to provide prompt feedback, including complex one, with the presence of hints and the display of reference solutions during testing. Since the popularity of the test method is due to its numerous advantages, the purpose of this study was to try to draw these advantages to the current educational process. We assumed that not all forms of test tasks can be successfully reoriented to perform educational functions. The results of the study show that related tasks and tasks in matrix form have the greatest didactic potential. The article gives their detailed characteristics. It is emphasized that the basis of the design and application of any task is a didactic goal. The paper defines and specifies the dominant educational goals of using tasks in a test form. The characteristics of training test tasks that we previously identified are emphasized. It is shown what pedagogical effect the use of simple related, chain related tasks and tasks in matrix form has. Numerous examples of tasks are given. The theoretical significance of the article lies in the formulation of key questions about the application of the test method, in determining the forms of test tasks that have the greatest didactic potential, in identifying it, in the methodological characteristics of related tasks and tasks in matrix form. The practical application of the selected forms of test tasks in the current educational process will increase its effectiveness in such areas as: increasing the activity and independence of schoolchildren, diversifying the range of their cognitive activity, achieving subject and meta-subject results.