Ключевое слово: «cultural heritage»

Уваровская А. В. YAKUT HEROIC EPOS OLONKHO // Научно-методический электронный журнал «Концепт». – 2023. – . – URL: http://e-koncept.ru/2023/0.htm
This article is devoted to the interdisciplinary study of the epos Olonkho, the search for ways of integration of natural sciences and humanities, demonstrating the priority importance of the principle of consistency. The article deals with the study of the formation of the Yakut heroic epos Olonkho. This article examines the concepts of olonkho and the formation and further development of "olonkho". The study of regional and local traditions of the heroic epos, and also presents comparisons of the Yakut Olonkho with the epos of Turkic-Mongolian peoples and dis-plays the structure of the world of the Olonkho. The heroic epos Olonkho, of all the gen-res of Yakut folklore the most syncretic and monumental, which most fully reflected the entire system of ideas about the world, plays the role of a key genre, the study of which sheds light on the cultural tradition of the Sakha people in general. Olonkho is a unique genre of folklore, containing a synthesis of various genres of folk art.