Ключевое слово: «innovation technology»

Ванг Д. Innovation Education in Practice at Tsinghua University // Научно-методический электронный журнал «Концепт». – 2023. – . – URL: http://e-koncept.ru/2023/0.htm
China has become the world's second largest economy after decades of development and is undergoing a fundamental transformation from a resource-driven country to an innovation-driven country. Tsinghua University (THU) is one of China's top comprehensive research universities, with a mission to train world-class scientists and outstanding engineers. Since 2017, the founding team of IMA-Innocloud has been invited to offer the first systematic innovation course at Tsinghua, and has so far offered several innovation-related courses for postgraduate and doctoral students from various faculties, which are open to postgraduate students across the university and have been widely praised by students and faculty members. This article describes the differentiated educational needs of individual faculties as well as big challenges we have to face in digitalization era, esp. during the hard time of pandemic. The architecture of innovation education courses is introduced, including the Innovation Technology course and the Innovation Psychology course; it describes the basic framework and content of the courses and the modular combinations adapted to different teaching purposes. SolvingMill and TRIZTrainer SaaS software and the fusion of on-line and off-line teaching method are introduced. The article concludes by showing examples of students' innovation training and looking at the way forward for innovation education in China.