Ключевое слово: «source text»

Палатова Д. А. Domestication and foreignization: translating culture-specific words and concepts // Научно-методический электронный журнал «Концепт». – 2019. – . – URL: http://e-koncept.ru/2019/0.htm
The article focuses on two main strategies of translating culture-specific words and concepts – domestication and foreignization – that were introduced by Friedrich Schleiermacher in 1813 and later described by Lawrence Venuti in his works. The paper presents the choices that a specific translator makes while being a mediator between two cultures and shows how the strategies function in a translated text. The findings were found in the result of a comparative analysis of Boris Akunin’s “Azazel” (the source text) and Andrew Bromfield’s “The Winter Queen” (the target text).
Палатова Д. А., Поджюнене Я. О. A comparative analysis of the English, French, and German translations of the first chapter of Boris Akunin’s novel “Azazel” // Научно-методический электронный журнал «Концепт». – 2022. – . – URL: http://e-koncept.ru/2022/0.htm
Boris Akunin’s novel ‘Azazel’, known as ‘The Winter Queen’ in its English version, has been translated into many languages. This article focuses on the translation of its first chapter into English, French, and German. The authors of this article compare the source text with the target texts to discover linguistic differences that commonly occur when a source text is translated into another language. These linguistic differences can lead to the alteration of meaning or even loss of meaning in the target texts, which is evident in the examples that the authors have included in this article. Besides, the authors suggest the reasons that might have predetermined translators’ linguistic choices. They also attempt to predict how these choices affect readers’ understanding of the text.