Izabella Elyakova

City: Yakytsk
0 Publications in RSCI
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15 PAPAI index
2 Publications in the journal


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This paper is devoted to assessing the impact of macroeconomic conditions on the choice of investment strategies and the results of sovereign funds in Russia and Norway . We consider the comparative analysis of realized investment strategies of sovereign wealth funds of foreign countries , and on the basis of SWOT analysis strategy sovereign funds of Norway and Russia plans need to develop effective mechanisms to increase the use and the National Welfare Fund of Russia.
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Article is devoted to the development of effective mechanisms of increase and use of the national welfare Fund of Russia with use of experience of the advanced sovereign investment funds of foreign countries and taking into account modern Russian economic conditions. Implementation mechanisms the proposed strategies for the effective and increase the utilization of the funds of the national wealth Fund of the Russian Federation presupposes the gradual transition from the current conservative strategy, characterized by risk level below medium, medium and high-risk strategy with the extension uses of funds.