Lyubov Kubashicheva

City: Maykop
Work: Adyghe State University
Post: Professor at the chair of pedagogy and pedagogical technologies
0 Publications in RSCI
0 H-index
3 PAPAI index
2 Publications in the journal


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The cultural environment has defining impact on the mental condition of the person mediated by consciousness. The conscious relation to the cultural environment brings life and the person’s activity into accord, filling it with sense in the course of the world cognition. It assumes the content of aspects of the selfunderstanding, defined as the sense of consciousness, i.e. reestablishing semantic relations, allowing realization of tasks concerning sense of object, phenomenon and action.
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The ethnic culture and educational system of Adyghes reflected the importance of formation of such character feature as humanity. In the content-semantic relation, it is a problem related to a reduction, transformation, change or correction of the negative, asocial and aggressive in system of activity of the person and filling it by valuable sense. Ethnos, showing national lines, developing bases of own culture and using aspects of educational system, defines valuable landmarks necessary to preserve own historical culture.