Keyword: «understanding»

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The article concerns the purposes of teaching to read foreign languages the students of the Technical University, in a context of dialogue of cultures and the psychological component of teaching the students to read is considered focusing on developing different reading subskills by means of training in perception, understanding and interpretation of a different sort of texts with various depth of penetration into their con-tents
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Fiction is one of the most important means of harmonious development of personality. It is extremely extends human experience. The article considers the importance of this process, as the understanding of literary texts, teaching children, place this problem in the system of special psychology and pedagogy.
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The cultural environment has defining impact on the mental condition of the person mediated by consciousness. The conscious relation to the cultural environment brings life and the person’s activity into accord, filling it with sense in the course of the world cognition. It assumes the content of aspects of the selfunderstanding, defined as the sense of consciousness, i.e. reestablishing semantic relations, allowing realization of tasks concerning sense of object, phenomenon and action.
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The present paper is devoted to the question of humanitarization of higher education. This subject remains relevant as today’s education faces the shift of paradigm when the main conceptual sign of education changes: “technocracy” is replaced by “culture”. The scientific works in the sphere of education conducted in recent years were analyzed in order to identify the importance of this subject, and it was noted that many works address it. During the analysis the various ways of ascension to the person in teaching were pointed out. The authors offered their approved ways of addressing a personality in teaching, proposed new ideas concerning the implementation of the humanitarian principles in the process of education. The review of the works showed variability and individuality of this approach in the teaching process. Every teacher chooses his own path on the way of humanitarization. The reviewed works reveal some ways of focusing on the personality through the contents, through the pedagogical conditions, with the help of some particular means. Such keen interest of scientists to the process of humanitarization of education helps to comprehend and find problems in the system of modern higher education and, as a result, to solve these problems. The analysis of the scientific works related to the study of the humanitarian component in education also showed the complexity and the multifaceted nature of this process. In its turn, it enables other researchers to find their own ways to promote further higher education humanitarization.
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The article is devoted to the use of hermeneutic approach in education. The analysis of hermeneutics role and significance in philosophical and pedagogical studies is presented. The possibility of using hermeneutic approach in listening comprehension teaching of the economic specialty students is studied, as it develops the ability of students to understand foreign texts and speech.