Marina Romanova

City: Kolomna
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Formation of meta-disciplinary learning outcomes in secondary school students is the main requirement of the Federal State Educational Standard of basic general education, as it is fundamentally important to educate students not subjectively, but comprehensively, that is in connection with all academic disciplines. This problem can be solved by the teaching approach that focuses students on the formation of generalized skills of working with any subject material both in the educational process and in real-life situations. Due to constructing activity-based meta-disciplinary scenarios in the study of academic subjects, a modern learner gets an opportunity to test the skills and abilities obtained at school. The aim of this article is to examine the meta-disciplinary approach to learning as a tool for combining academic subjects, building logical relationships, and organizing situations of practical application of the acquired knowledge both in learning activities within the subject "Foreign language" and in real life. The FSES objectives for training future graduates of educational institutions require them to perform a number of actions of a universal, i.e. meta-disciplinary nature, namely to be independent, to be able to organize, plan and evaluate their activities, to structure knowledge, to reflect, etc. All of the above directly characterizes universal learning actions (hereinafter referred to as "ULAs"). In order to form student's ULAs, teachers need to pay special attention to the methods, techniques, and technologies that can influence the formation of these meta-disciplinary skills and abilities in each subject. The article analyzes the pedagogical technologies that promote the formation and development of metacognitive skills, which are universal learning actions. The data obtained as a result allow us to assess which pedagogical technologies and techniques can be the most effective for the formation of the ULAs for secondary school students, which components of ULAs (personal, regulative, cognitive and communicative learning actions) can be affected by this or that technology. The worked out pedagogical exercises for the development of ULAs in secondary school students at the English language lessons can be integrated into the educational process by practicing teachers.