Elena V. Ermakova

City: Ishim, Russian Federation
Degree: Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences
Work: Ishim Teachers’ Training Institute named after P.P. Ershov (branch) of Tyumen State University
Post: Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Physics and Mathematics and Vocational and Technological Education
0 Publications in RSCI
0 H-index
14 PAPAI index
8 Publications in the journal


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The rapid development of new technologies, increase in standard of living and life expectancy, the accelerated transformation of demanded skills in the labor market require a person to acquire new competences, knowledge and skills by means of life-long education. The relevance of the presented research is determined by the need for continuous education of an adult at all stages of his/her development (school – secondary vocational education – university – profession/specialty). The purpose of this article is to describe the system of continuous professional pedagogical education aimed at improving the quality of education received by a person throughout life. Systemic, competence-based and activity-based approaches were used to examine the stated problem. The authors analyzed such categories as “continuous education”, “lifelong education”, “mobility and flexibility of the lifelong education system”. The scientific novelty of the research is determined by the development and implementation of the conceptual framework for the stepwise model “Lifelong Learning” as a platform for continuous teacher education in the south of the Tyumen region. Lifelong learning also helps to improve the general culture of the population, increase labor productivity, and adapt to rapidly changing conditions both in life and at work. The theoretical significance of the study lies in the study of scientific and methodological materials on the research topic in order to determine the relevance of the chosen topic and the prospects for the implementation of continuous professional education, taking into account regional requests for the quality of teacher training for the modern education system. The practical significance of the study lies in the development of a step-by-step model of continuous pedagogical education “Lifelong Learning”, which includes three stages of target guidelines that make it possible to form a stable motivation in a person for the chosen profession, master in it and develop the ability to become a mentor for younger generations. The need to create a modern, mobile and flexible system of continuous professional pedagogical education has been proven, the purpose of which is to improve the quality of education received by a person at all levels, throughout life, thereby preparing him/her for study, career, and life. Each stage of continuing education has its own completeness: the requirements of educational standards are determined for it - the target setting, the content of training, the main methods of teaching, forms of organizing the educational process, conditions and means of implementation. The determining principle is the continuity of professional educational programs at all levels: from initial training, including career guidance, to post-graduate education. The university is a platform for implementing the model of continuous pedagogical education. Participants in this system view it as a guarantee of their competitiveness in the labor market, so they continue to further develop themselves. The research materials and its results can be used to improve educational and methodological support for the learning process of students of teachers’ training institutions in the system of continuing education.
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The paper regards compiling tasks based on the materials about the Great Patriotic War. Compiling tasks can be done at lessons as well as a kind of home task. It encourages students and contributes to forming their skills of using the obtained knowledge in practice. Compiling and solving tasks is especially effective at the stage of training and revising the topics.
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The article proposes uses kravedcheskogo material: the lessons, conferences and in solving problems. Develop plans for training conferences will be also useful in the implementation of inter-subject relationship in the classroom.
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The author discuss the implementation of intersubject connections of Physics and Physical Education on the basis of tasks of the intersubject contents, in particular the tasks containing data obtained by results of the Olympic Games. The authors give the examples of laboratory experiment and educational conference.
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The author views the questions of bioacoustics in the process of Physical training.