Elena Panferova

City: Tyla
19 Publications in RSCI
4 H-index
9 PAPAI index
5 Publications in the journal


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The paper deals with the analysis of the Standard of competition development and its implementation in Tula region, as well as the indicators of the competition state in the region. The relevance of the work is caused by the growing need for every business entity to form a transparent and effective system of work of regional authorities in implementing efficient measures to promote competition of goods and services in the interest of consumers, business entities and the society in General. The authors formulate recommendations concerning the improvement of the investment climate in the region.
The article deals with the forms and prospects of the development of Public and Private Partnership as an instrument of attracting investments into Russian economy on fair- and long-term base.
The article deals with the stages of risk-management development as one of the most important instrument of strategic financial planning, which can solve such important tasks as cost management, improvement of business operation efficiency and maintenance of business-processes continuity.
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The paper discusses the causes and stages of development of a form of non-state control – the marketing audit being a tool for analyzing and evaluating the effectiveness of various business segments of the market. The authors prove the feasibility of using a marketing audit to identify and use marketing resources of enterprise in order to improve its position in the market.
The article investigates the creation of the production audit at the enterprise in a competitive environment in the period of market relations, to measure the effectiveness of existing monitoring systems in order to develop recommendations for management decisions at all levels in a competitive environment.