Anna Lakreeva

City: Krasnodar
0 Publications in RSCI
0 H-index
9 PAPAI index
3 Publications in the journal


The article deals with theoretical and methodological foundations deviantogennyh risks socialization of gifted children.
The article describes the phenomenon as the risk of psychological and pedagogical phenomenon. Risk tolerance as one of the factors of deviant behavior is described, as well as features of the manifestation of this tendency in this age group as adolescents. The article also presents the results of the study to identify the relationship propensity to risk and deviant behavior in adolescents.
Statistical data in Russia in recent years in state reports "On the situation of children in the Russian Federation", indicate a crisis of the socio-economic situation of children in our society. One of the causes of socio-psychological disadaptation of adolescents is a difficult situation.