Keyword: «administrative responsibility»

The article is devoted to the views of MD Zagryatkov on administrative justice: theoretical significance and practical applicability in modern conditions.
The article is devoted to the administrative-procedural status of participants in proceedings on cases of administrative offenses, administrative law contains a very serious potential in the mechanism of ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens, but there are many issues of organizational and legal nature in the way of its implementation.
The article discusses the features of the licensing procedure for medical activities and administrative responsibility of public administration authorities for violations of the proper implementation of licensing in modern Russia.
The article discusses the problem of legal regulation of online publications from the perspective of Article 11 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Mass Media» and Article 13.23 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. The author casts doubt on the administrative practice of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor), when online publications are subjected to administrative penalties because they update their content at a frequency different from that stated in the frequency of publication when registering with Roskomnadzor. The article attempts to give an interpretation of the concept of “periodicity” and to justify why periodicity and updating in the legal context are not synonymous words.
The article examines the criteria for distinguishing administrative and criminal liability for the dissemination of false socially significant information based on the analysis of judicial practice, analyzes the conceptual apparatus specified in Parts 9 and 10 of Articles 13.15 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation and Articles 207.1, 207.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The author comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to study the correlation of such concepts as «false» and «unreliable information».