Keyword: «agricultural producers»

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The article examines the main issues of food security of the country and the Saratov region, particularly in the current economic conditions, as well as the main objectives of agricultural enterprises at the stage of implementation strategies of import substitution. The agro-industrial complex of the Saratov region and analyzed further conversion of agricultural enterprises.
The article deals with the basic trends of agricultural production development in the province of Tula and in modern Tula region in the long-term dynamics. The changes taking place in the agriculture of Tula region in the twentieth century and in the beginning of the twenty first century are considered.
In this article, the authors raise the problem of the formation of information on the tax base for the calculation of taxes and fees. This problem is primarily related to differences in the formation of income and expenses in accounting and tax accounting, which significantly complicates the work of accountants and leads to errors in tax calculations.