Keyword: «assessment criteria»

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Opinion essay (task № 40) is one of the most difficult tasks in the state national exam the successful com-pletion of which guarantees students 14 points. This article presents the author’s personal view on the senior students’ preparation for this task. The author offers some useful tips that will reduce difficulties when doing this task.
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The paper deals with criteria and indicators for assessment the level of formation professional culture in the future teachers of physical education: didactic-evaluative (focus on teaching activities, motivation to achieve success in professional activities, the availability of professional and pedagogical value orienta-tions) knowledge and activity (knowledge about the professional culture the teacher of physical education, communicative and organization skills, emotional regulation skills), individual incentive (moral and volitional qualities, ability to make decisions, sustainability to conflicts). The author describes the results of ascertaining experiment.
The relevance of the game is currently increasing due to the oversaturation of the modern student with information. Television, video, radio, computer networks have recently been bombarding students with a huge amount of information. One of the forms of education that develops such skills is a didactic game. This article is devoted to the use of didactic games in biology lessons.