Keyword: «business plan»

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In this article research of need of extension of the list of services of public catering, as competitiveness factor on the example of Docker Pub restaurant Nakhodka is conducted. During research the way of expansion of services and its influence as competitiveness factor on further activity of the enterprise was considered. As way of expansion creation of new night club on the second floor of Docker Pab restaurant Na-khodka was chosen as me. For this purpose I considered the enterprise at which placement of night club is planned, analysed conditions for creation of a new institution, carried out the comparative analysis of the main competitor "Texas-saloon" by the main criteria and made the business plan of new night club. In its sections I considered necessary means for implementation of the project on the basis of which calculations of expenses are carried out, the segment of potential consumers is allocated and efficiency and risks for a new institution is calculated.
In the paper we study projects, subdivided according to various criteria. Specifies the classification, subsequently, underlying the typing of business plans. As a result, the author identified the sections that need to be disclosed in the business plan of each type and key areas that need the most attention in a particular situation.
The article is devoted to the methodological and applied features of the analysis of indicators of the volume and structure of crop production in the light of the methodology of the CVP approach. Theoretical and methodological features of the optimal design of the structure of production of crop production of agricultural organizations are considered. Deterministic and economic-statistical models of control parameters serve as a tool for such design. A technique for analyzing the structure of crop rotation is proposed, taking into account the elimination of risks of unprofitable production in abnormally negative natural-climatic and trade-political conditions. The purpose of such an analysis is to develop a business plan for the structure of sown areas of crops, eliminating the risk of losses. The applied part of the analysis was carried out according to the data of the agricultural organization. According to the organization's data, an analysis was made and a structure for the use of land resources was proposed, excluding losses.