Keyword: «cluster»

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The author considers the essence of the cluster approach at regional industrial policy formation and devel-opment of regional economy. The basic aspects and distinctive features of modern clusters from other in-dustrial associations of manufacturing cooperation are presented. The author describes the prospects of studying as the points of regional economy growth, which are the objects of the industrial policy.
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The author discusses the basic theoretical background of the cluster formation in the regional industry, substantiates the specificity of functioning of regional clusters, the theoretical origins of the cluster concept, periods of strengthening and weakening of attention to it as an instrument to regulate the economy.
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The paper considers the issues of improving economic potential of the Rostov region. The author emphasizes the role of non-material conditions of enhance in the clusters formation.
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The paper explores the issues of success and failure cluster formation in some regions of Russia. The author supposes to use a critical analysis of the experience of other regions for the effective formation of clusters on the territory of the Rostov region.
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The paper is devoted to methods of critical thinking development in preparing students to write the final composition in literature. The authors review the use of critical thinking technology methods (problem question, thick and thin questions, cinquain and others) at different stages of composition training.