Keyword: «conditions»

At present, communicative competence can be considered the basic competence necessary to carry out professional activities of specialists of the "man–man" system. The article reveals the understanding of communicative competence by domestic psychologists, describes the specifics of communicative competence of psychological students, as well as the conditions for the development of communicative competence.
This article examines the psychological conditions that affect the realistic perception of psychological students about their character. The main tool of formation will be self-knowledge. The main psychological conditions for the formation of realistic self-images are based on the development of communicative activity, through cognitive activity and the stimulation of reflexive activity.
The article considers the historical aspects of the problem of activation of schoolchildren's learning. Possible conditions, methods and methodological techniques for using problem-based learning in biology lessons are described.
The article analyzes the specifics of air navigation in the Arctic, as well as the features of air traffic control in the polar regions of the Arctic and Antarctic. The measures additionally performed by the persons of the flight management group in preparation for air traffic maintenance are described. The specifics of the actions of officials in the service process are given to ensure flight safety.