Keyword: «correctional and developmental work»

The article discusses the possibility of using the interactive educational platform "Mobile Electronic Education" in the work to overcome dysorphography in school-age children.
The article presents the experience of using the resources of the educational online platform "Mobile Electronic Education" in the conditions of the psychological and pedagogical center. The emphasis is made on the possibilities of the digital educational environment of the MEO in the system of assistance to children with speech impairments.
The article reveals the importance of didactic computer games in the development of fine motor skills and cognitive processes in preschoolers. Some requirements are described the organization of a child's work on the computer. The system of classes is presented in the article.
The article analyzes the features of the correctional work of a speech therapist teacher with preschoolers of a speech therapy center with a general underdevelopment of speech of the preschool educational institution for the development of coherent speech, and also reveals the positive aspects of interaction and cooperation with parents on this problem.
This article will discuss the main tasks of accompanying children with speech disorders in preschool educational institutions. One of the main conditions is the creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the full development and formation of a socially successful personality, the protection of the rights of the child to receive education and development in accordance with their potential opportunities in the real conditions of their existence. The main task in the correctional and developmental work is to create optimal conditions for the development of the emotional, intellectual and speech potential of the child. The initial principle of correctional and developmental work is the principle of unity of diagnosis and correction of development.