Keyword: «corruption»

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The article is devoted to countering corruption in medicine, it deals with different formulations of the crime, namely, bribery and extortion. The conclusion about the need to revive the composition of extortion.
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The paper is a comprehensive study of the legal regulation of conflicts of interest in the system of municipal service in the Russian legislation. At the current stage, agreement of conflict of interest is problematic with both theoretical and practical points of view. Conflict of interest has a lot of blind spots, its legal definition is ambiguous. The paper proves the expedience of the expansion approach in the interpretation of per-sonal interest with the inclusion of personal. The paper identifies trends and prospects of development of legislation on conflict of interests in the system of community service.
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On the basis of analysis of existing legislation reveals the concept of the civil service and professional activities. The author concludes that the effect of certain provisions of the Federal Law of 25.12.2008 № 273-FZ “On Combating Corruption” applies to certain categories of citizens are not specified in the Act.
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The article is devoted to detailed analysis of the problems of higher education of the Russian Federation.
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The article is devoted to comparative analysis of modern innovations and traditions of public administration in Russia. By identifying historical trends, the author proves the necessity of the use of national experience of nation-building as opposed to the reception of foreign models «state management».