Keyword: «public authorities»

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The paper is a comprehensive study of the legal regulation of conflicts of interest in the system of municipal service in the Russian legislation. At the current stage, agreement of conflict of interest is problematic with both theoretical and practical points of view. Conflict of interest has a lot of blind spots, its legal definition is ambiguous. The paper proves the expedience of the expansion approach in the interpretation of per-sonal interest with the inclusion of personal. The paper identifies trends and prospects of development of legislation on conflict of interests in the system of community service.
The article is devoted to the legal and organizational features of personnel assessment in public authorities. The paper considers personnel technologies that are used to evaluate personnel. The author of the article presents certification as one of the effective forms of assessment.
The article points out the basic principles of the organization of public authorities. The organization of public authorities is a complex and multifaceted process that requires compliance with a number of principles to ensure effective work and protection of citizens' rights. The emphasis is the need to ensure the organization of the activities of Russian Federation’s author-ities at the proper level in current times.