Keyword: «fantasy»

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The article presents an analysis of the appearance of anxiety, the results of the work of the teacher-psychologist, proving that anxiety is not a stable trait and relatively reversible during the various psycholog-ical, pedagogical, organizational forms. Child-parent activities with" elements of training", involving the As-sociation of adults (teachers, specialists in psychology, parents) and children as a means of developing a subjective position .
The article considers the poetics of fiction in prose of representatives of Russian literature of Yakutia. It reveals genre identity and folklore and mythological beginning in fantastic prose of writers G. Ugarov and A. Borisova.
This article is devoted to the development of the imagination of younger students in the process of studying the subject «World around». Indeed, in modern society there is a need for an independent, free, diversified personality capable of creatively transforming reality. Only individuals with a well-developed imagination and creative thinking will find it easier to adapt and develop in the modern information world. The development of the imagination of the younger generation is the key to the success of this process. We consider diagnostics of the development of the imagination of younger schoolchildren, give practical recommendations for organizing work aimed at increasing the level of development of imagination within the framework of the subject «The World Around» in classroom and extracurricular activities.