Keyword: «imagination»

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This article discusses not only the relationship of indicators of pedagogical skills, namely communication, organizational, interpersonal with verbal and nonverbal indicators of creative imagination, but their general and specific trends in the development of the students of pedagogical high school.
In this work the review of category of an image and category of an image of the future in psychology is given, need of formation of an image of the future at modern students is proved, the importance of identification of resources and potential of life experience at youthful age is represented, relevance of this perspective, the purpose, object, a subject, tasks, a hypothesis and methods of research locates.
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In this paper the results of monitoring the level of development of creative abilities of students of fifth grade as a result of the implementation of the program of formation of creativity. The study was conducted in the framework of the theory of measurement of latent variables based on the model Rush.
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Author of the article is dedicated to the theoretical study of the problem of imagination development in preschool children. It's about this ability as imagination. Do I need a man this ability? At what age is best to begin to develop their imagination, and which method is most effective in this regard? The author lists teaching methods that foster the creative imagination, as well as providing psychological and pedagogical conditions for its effective development.
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The joint activities of the teacher and the student on the basis of modern technologies can create prerequisites for facilitating the process of cognition. The basis of the effective organization of training is the volitional aspect of the manifestation of the joint efforts of both parties, which affects the basic mental processes. Language disciplines have special opportunities for the systematization of cognitive activity. The main skills that contribute to the systematization of cognitive activity and are formed in the study of language disciplines include the ability to perceive information; consciously and selectively work with the text; properly organize the communication process and defend their own point of view; apply a scientific approach to knowledge acquisition and conduct research work.