Keyword: «ideology»

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This article dedicate meaning of social ecology for student's ideology. It is based on student anonymous tests at Kuban State University. There are practical results in this article. It answer at the question: who is Russian student at 21 century?
Modernization is usually regarded as an important part of a larger process of "modernizing" of society, which includes a deep economic, social, cultural, spiritual, ideological, organizational, technological, demographic and other changes, which together provide a transformation in the society of the modern type. Modernization paradigm was formed in the mid-twentieth century, the disintegration of the European colonial empires and the emergence of a large number of "young nations" in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Vozniknuvshey initially in the bosom of the University of Science USA, modernization theory were created as an alternative to the communist orientation. Modernization theory developed in the framework of a special "progressivist" style of thinking, methodology which is based on the assumption that history is moving toward the heights of progress by overcoming the manifold social structure to a single rational dispensation future. At the same time every single human community is on the way, common to all, the direction and guidelines which determine the most developed countries. A characteristic feature of Russian historical modernization began periodic breakdowns, powerful setbacks, leading to the barbaric destruction of resources and void achievements. Despite this, Russian society remains fully integrated the social and psychological boost, which can be called the will to modernize. The problem of modernization of the existing model of the functioning of the Russian society really is very serious. For 20 years the country cannot get out of "rescue" a national model that emerged as a result of ill-considered, natural actions associated with the low efficiency of management. This is despite the fact that all is proven, that the elimination of the consequences of accidents in the tens and hundreds of times more expensive than their prevention. During these 20 years, lost much advanced thinking skills - the leaders of different levels of government cannot see what will happen tomorrow.
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This article examines the influence of the literary image of Kozma Prutkov, created by A. K. Tolstoy and his cousins A. M. and V. M. Zhemchuzhnikovs, on the ideology of V. S. Solovyov. It is shown that his attention to the personality and "Compositions" by K. Prutkov was not only due to their humorous nature, but also to their philosophical context. The ideas and images of this character contributed to the development of the universal unity doctrine by V. S. Solovyov, to the formation of the paradoxical nature and universalism of his ideology.
In the article the problems of formation of patriotism in today's society. A comparison of modern ideas about patriotism with the values of "Soviet patriotism." In Soviet society, patriotism was considered as an element of the ideological system, which reinforced political domination. In modern conditions, changing ideas about the Patriotic values. They are considered as the result of construction under the influence of the media, Institute of education, social and political organizations. A great influence on ideas about patriotism is the family. The article presents the analysis of the results of sociological surveys conducted in Togliatti. This gives the opportunity to compare the views of young people and the older generation about the meaning of "patriot".
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The article is devoted to the study of ideology influence on the state of public administration. Offering his vision of ideals realization problem, the author separates the concepts of proper ideology and ideological immunity, defining the latter as an important component of state security and cultural sovereignty, and intelligentsia as the main bearer of the national idea.