Keyword: «interaction»

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This article describes the various forms of interaction between family and educational institutions, and describes the most important aspects of his performance
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The article deals with the problems of the organization of the weekend clubs in state preschools for pre-school children families. The author describes forms, directions, content, criteria of the effectiveness of weekend clubs work.
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The authors views the relevance of interaction with consumers and business partners; offer the model of the interaction system; determine the objects of interaction; ground the interactio n management approaches and methods within the model and determine the structure of dataware process with consumers and partners.
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The author reveals the pedagogical bases of interaction between the subjects during the educational process in a higher education institution. In particular, the principles and models of the organization of pedagogical interaction between the teacher and student and the conditions, promoting the creation of their joint activity are analyzed.
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In the given article the problem of youth subculture value system is considered through a prism of Intercultural communication theory. Values are generalised behaviour guidelines of individuals and groups of people; therefore their knowledge helps to achieve positive results in interaction. Researches of intercultural contacts local features are of particular interest today.