Keyword: «investment attractiveness»

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The article is devoted to the issues of the improvement of the investment attractiveness of the municipality, influencing on the factors of which it is possible to effect on the inflow of the investments into the economy. With the help of the economical and statistical tools and mathematical tools, the author predicts the inflow of the investments in the specific municipality.
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The article discusses approaches to assessing the investment attractiveness of enterprises. Analyzed existing in the Russian market computer programs for calculating and comparative analysis of investment projects, both domestic and foreign production.
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The paper examines the procedure of SPACE matrix analysis application for evaluating the attractiveness of investing potential of an enterprise.
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The construction of the rating matrix is one of the main methods of evaluation of enterprise investment attractiveness. The authors give the classification of the development strategies of enterprises by type of investment attractiveness. The proposed strategy is correlated with the rating matrix. Determination of investment attractiveness type helps to choose the appropriate strategy of development of the organization.
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The paper deals with issues relating to the investment of the Krasnodar region. The Krasnodar region is one of the most important and priority subjects of the Russian Federation. Despite of the introduction of economic sanctions, the region remains attractive to investors, and they continue to invest their funds in various projects. The investment legislation of the region is one of the most progressive in the country. The legal framework protects and guarantees the rights of investors. The laws of the Krasnodar region provide the state support to investors. Despite of the difficult economic situation in the country, the Krasnodar region is attractive for investments.