Keyword: «oral speech»

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The article deals with the problem of teaching the dialogic speech of foreign (different ethnic groups) schoolchildren by means of linguistic and literature material. The work describes the practical experience of implementing the technology of teaching this category of children oral dialogic speech in the educational process of a polyethnic school. In the conclusion, the authors propose some guidelines for optimizing this process.
The article is devoted to the problem of using filler words in speech. Also, the authors propose to get acquainted with the list of the most well-known fillers of the English language, with some causes of using and ways of getting rid of them.
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At the present stage of preschool education development, the use of traditional corrective speech therapy methods to eliminate violations of sound pronunciation in children is insufficient. It is necessary to develop and introduce into practice innovative methods and technologies of speech therapy, which will increase the effectiveness of providing help for children with disabilities. That is why our study is rather relevant. The aim of the work is the scientific justification, development, testing and evaluation of the effectiveness of the complex of visual aids for the formation of pronunciation skills in preschool children with speech impairments. The authors rely on the position of L. S. Vygotsky on the social conditioning of abnormal and normal development. The article summarizes scientific information on the problem of the formation of sound pronunciation during normal development, and describes the specific features of the pronouncing side of speech in children with special educational needs. The authors studied the condition of sound pronunciation and found the qualitative uniqueness of the language phonetic means in preschool children with various speech impairments. Based on a theoretical analysis of domestic and foreign works on the identified issues, they developed a technology for using visual aids in the formation of pronunciation skills in preschool children with speech impairments and showed the opportunity of using visual aids at different stages of the work for teaching preschool children with speech impairments to pronounce sounds correctly. The use of this complex helps to increase the motivation of children to perform tasks, optimize the development of articulatory and fine motor skills, introduce sounds into syllables, words and keep pronunciation skills in independent speech of preschool children. The presented results of the control experiment proved the effectiveness of the correctional and pedagogical work.
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Speaking is one of the key speech skills by which direct proficiency in a foreign language is assessed. The development of coherent speech skills in monologic, dialogic, polylogic forms, an adequate response to the formulation of a communicative task shows the speaker's complex skills: his/her general linguistic, pragmatic, grammatical, lexical and other competences. Analysis of domestic and foreign scientific literature allows us to speak of a consistently high interest of both theorists and practitioners of teaching methodology in the development of various aspects of speaking (fluency and tempo, purity of speech, the use of varied vocabulary), the development of speaking skills in a specialized environment, as well as the use of information and communication technologies for teaching and testing monologue / dialogue speech. The purpose of this article is to describe proven techniques for the development of oral speech at a high level of language proficiency. The purpose of the research determines the methods: general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, generalization and systematization. Also, the method of pedagogical observation was used to assess the feedback of students and the effectiveness of the proposed techniques. Techniques for enhancing and improving speaking skills are described in the practical part of the study. The authors single out among the effective techniques: a) specific situational tasks (prepared in advance and spontaneous, this category also includes game situations); b) polylogues (this type of speech activity allows you to learn thematic vocabulary and practice grammatical structures, defend your position, listen to the opinions of others); c) it is effective to use online technologies for interdependent teaching of listening, writing, reading and speaking in a foreign language (selection and correlation of the corresponding types of online platforms and sites is important); d) creating conditions for the development of not educational, but cognitive activity, so that the communicative motive is triggered by the cognitive; e) the author's method of developing speaking skills, which is based on the psychological comfort of students. The description of productive techniques for the development of various aspects of speaking is an important practical priority of the work. The above techniques can be used with some adaptation / correction or without adaptation at levels from B1 and higher. The conclusions summarize the information and outline the prospects for further research.