Keyword: «pedagogical technology»

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The article is devoted to a problem of training of future preschool teachers for realization the personal developing interaction with preschool children of risk group, formation of teachers’ communicative competence.
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This article discusses the process of professional self-determination: specificity of professional self-determination of graduates of special (correctional) school type VIII; identified and define the role of extracurricular activities in the framework of professional self-determination, submitted abstract educational technology professional determination.
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The problem of realization of pedagogical technologies in modern preschool education is considered in the article. The special attention is paid to the terminological analysis of a definition "technology", to its differ-ence from the concept "technique", "method".
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The article reveals the stages of pedagogical technology of forming ideas about the artistic image in chil-dren 6–7 years based on the integration of expressive means of music and the visual arts in the context of the educational field of “artistic and aesthetic development”.
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The article considers the problem of implementing pedagogical principles of individual approach in modern professional education of bachelors of pedagogy. Special attention is paid to the peculiarities of construct-ing the content of the discipline "Introduction in profession" and technology of its realization.