Keyword: «problems»

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The author describes some problems of introduction of innovative educational technologies while training students of engineering majors in conditions of reforming of system of the higher education and competitive situation in the market of educational services.
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The paper is devoted to the development of Russian cooperation in future. In order to improve the cooperative theory, and due to the need of improving cooperative relations in Russia, the author proposes the detailed design of the concept of "cooperative development of society" based on a rich historical heritage, cooperative principles and advantages of modern information and communication technologies.
This article deals with the current state of public catering in Russia and presents an overview of the trend of its development.
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The paper deals with the theoretical and methodological approach to innovative development of foodservice sector. The author gives a general overview of innovation and innovative activities. The problems of development of innovative activities of small businesses on the example of public catering establishments are considered.
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In this article, it goes about the difficulties which are common for the elementary school students to face with. These problems are connected with the process of listening during the English speaking classes. There are several abstracts concerning different ways of solving this problem. The empirical base of this article is the result of linguistic and pedagogical researches of some famous authors, who made analysis in this sphere.