Keyword: «rhythm»

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The author presents the analysis of art, music and pedagogical literature in the aspect of formation of no-tions about the means of musical expression among 6–7-year old children, which provide an understanding of the artistic image of a musical composition. The particular attention is paid to the orientation of children in a holistic perception of the whole complex musical and language means.
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Тhe article deals with the research of the English poetic system in comparison with the Russian translation.
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The article is devoted to the problem of interpretation of poetical text in cycle of chorus of well-known Moscov composer R. Boiko. The author’s attention is first of all focused on the interaction of poetical and musical means of expression that certainly it is important for us to understand general rules of composer’s creative process, his style and mentality.
The article is devoted to the problem of speech therapy disorders formation at preschool children with ONR prosodic aspects of speech that have a negative impact on the development of other components of the speech competence of children, reduce the effectiveness of speech communication. The article analyzes the results of the conducted comprehensive experimental study.
Teaching English in primary school is planned by age qualities of primary students. There is a great place for songs, rhymes and tongue-twisters. At this age the children’s attention is not stable. So the teachers are ought to use kinds of class works which can interest children and cause positive emotional feeling. Working over rhythm, intonation of foreign language and perfection of pronunciation is a great material to use rhymes, songs and tongue-twisters at English lessons. It is that material interesting for children and that’s why it is positive to study. Using rhymes, songs and tongue-twisters at English lessons is one of effective ways of teaching. This is a simple, not boring and effective way which allows to develop good pronunciation, learn to speak, study well.