Keyword: «text»

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In the development of the variant of the Russian language lesson within a system-active approach to learn-ing. The focus is on working with text, the formation of spelling, punctuation and skills development of communicative competence of students in preparation for the state attestation.
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The article is devoted to the problem of interpretation of poetical text in cycle of chorus of well-known Moscov composer R. Boiko. The author’s attention is first of all focused on the interaction of poetical and musical means of expression that certainly it is important for us to understand general rules of composer’s creative process, his style and mentality.
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The article considers the question of the text as a linguistic object lesson. Given the ways of the organization of thetext, the main purpose of the text is reduced to the solution of the most various tasks, and to create a variety of meanings setup by the author of the text.
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This article deals with the problem of formation of communicative competence. The basis for the implementation of etnolingvodidakticheskogo approach served as the conceptual provisions of didactics, linguistics, etnolingvodidaktiki theoretical position in the field of language and foreign language education, which served as the basis etnolingvodidakticheskogo approach as a theoretical basis for productive implementation of multilingual education. The focus is on interaction and mutual contact languages (Russian, native and English). In the context of this study, it is important to the consideration of the relationship between language and culture, evident in the verbal communication.
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The paper specifies associative text fields, which have been identified as a result of a “nonlinear reading” process of the Tatiana Tolstaya’s narration, which is called “Krug” (“Круг”). Likewise, a quite close bond between associative field ЖИЗНЬ and associative fields: КРУГ, ПУТЬ, is being established. A semantic gestalt of a presented field is being emerged by the process of analyzing associates, which are referring to an associative field ЖИЗНЬ. According to the author’s opinion, the semantic gestalt might be considered as an explication of a specific concept ЖИЗНЬ features. Thus, author makes a conclusion, that a semantic gestalt of an associative text field might have cognitive interpretation.