Keyword: «social norms»

This article describes in detail different approaches to understanding the phenomenon of responsibility in psychological research, considers the levels of responsibility development, types of responsibility (social and personal), identifies two options for accepting responsibility or locus of control (externality and internality). The author's understanding of the essence of responsibility as a quality of personality is formulated and the main psychological features of responsibility are highlighted.
Social development plays a special role in the life of a child and its relation to social processes. Timely identification of difficulties in communication and interaction of a child of three or four years with significant adults, peers allows for the prevention of pedagogical neglect, deviations in behavior, excessive interest in computers and television, the formation of socially acceptable and socially significant qualities of the child: curiosity, intelligence, erudition, freedom of thought and action.
The world is transforming into a digital environment, because of which people gain the freedom to communicate, share values and knowledge in a society without any borders. The virtual world has become a space for social interaction, but there is a blurring of social norms in communication, so there is an increasing need for the dynamic formation of «digital culture and etiquette».