Keyword: «pedagogical neglect»

In comprehensive schools, a huge number of children are studying, who already at the initial stage of education can not cope with the training program and are not able to build interpersonal relationships with their peers. The problem of the difficulties of teaching these children is one of the most urgent and priority psychological and pedagogical problems and one of the reasons for the disadaptation of first-graders to school.
The article considers the problems of pedagogical neglect of students, the types and causes of social and pedagogical neglect. Different levels of social adaptation and disadaptation are presented. Attention is drawn to the fact that the psyche of children with the problem of pedagogical neglect is amenable to correction. If the predisposition to pedagogical neglect is timely revealed, the child can be adapted to the norms of ethical behavior.
Social development plays a special role in the life of a child and its relation to social processes. Timely identification of difficulties in communication and interaction of a child of three or four years with significant adults, peers allows for the prevention of pedagogical neglect, deviations in behavior, excessive interest in computers and television, the formation of socially acceptable and socially significant qualities of the child: curiosity, intelligence, erudition, freedom of thought and action.