Keyword: «specialist»

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The questions that arise in the transition to a multi-level system of higher education аге considered. The problems of training in the field of shipbuilding, caused the introduction of new curricula are indicate.
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This article analyzes the conditions of implementation of the competency approach in assessing personnel. Carried out an analysis of competency approaches in professional activities, are experiences of foreign experts working in the field of labor. The paper proposes to make the comparison made a staff member at runtime execution of the reference of the same work, and competence will be the best option for the standard measurement in Russian education.
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The effectiveness of professional activity directly depends on the life values of specialists: the quality of state employees professional activity determines socio-psychological functioning in the routine mode, and the quality of EMERCOM employees professional activity in emergency situations. Life values allow to establish the value and significance of the performed work for a person and, consequently, provide both a professional orientation and the quality of professional duties performing.
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The article discusses the main types of educational institutions of secondary vocational education in the Volga region, analyzes and compares the process of training specialists in these institutions. The author also touches upon the problems of the development of the existing network of educational institutions.
Implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary Vocational Education in terms of development the general and professional competencies of medical college students, as well as meeting the requirements for the results of mastering the discipline «Information Technologies in Professional Activities», will ensure continuity between the demands of health care providers in which a unified state health information system of the Tyumen Region has been introduced, and the level of training of graduates.