Keyword: «the role of spouses»

The process of globalization is one of the most important factors influencing the formation of family roles in modern society. Ethnic peculiarities of the various peoples and their identities are under threat today. In today's world, people are trying to impose a particular model as the only true, calling the process of globalization as an objective. Features globalization manifested in the fact that social processes in one part of the world to a greater extent determined by what happens in all other parts of it. In the process of globalization is a compression of space, time pressed, geographical and national boundaries are becoming increasingly blurred and easily surmountable. It increases the intensity of the circulation of people and capital, goods and services, as well as information on the entire planet. From a scientific point of view, globalization is a "term to describe the situation changes in all aspects of society, influenced by the global trend toward interdependence and openness. The engine of globalization are modern capitalism, understood as a phase of human history and how a certain carrier (neoliberal) geopolitical and political program "[1]. Due to the impact of globalization on the Russian society, the relevance of studying the institution of the family and its social role is determined by profound changes in Russian society, which directly affected his bases and traditional values. Undoubtedly, it worsens the social situation of families, causing a crisis and the fall of the importance of the family as a whole. However, excessive exaggeration of the situation does not allow an objective analysis of the changes that are taking place in the modern family. It follows that it is necessary to focus on identifying and studying the potential of adapting it to changes in conditions and external influences while maintaining its internal resistance.