Keyword: «space»

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This paper summarizes the results of a study on the impact of mastered specialty representation of space and time students. The subject of research is the content and organization of verbal and figurative representation of time and space in the minds of students with different areas of specialization. The aim of the work was to identify differences and similarities reprezentirovannosti characteristics of space and time in the minds of students of humanities and technical disciplines. Theoretical and methodological grounds are: systemic and subjective approaches of cognitive psychology of mental represented the internal structures. At the base of empirical research is theoretical and empirical positions psychosemantics. The study was conducted on students 2-4 courses of the Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg. The findings indicate the existence at the stage of training some qualitative differences in the organization of mental representations of space and time due to the orientation mastered professional activities. Further empirical studies will clarify and extend the findings of this study
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Identified and examined the structure of the topology of space-time curvature causal chain of events that allows you to combine quantum microcosm and macrocosm Theory of General Relativity
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Article compares the main prerequisites of Kant understanding of time for the purpose of explanation of their role in system of the relations of transcendental and formal logic of Immanuil Kant.
The process of globalization is one of the most important factors influencing the formation of family roles in modern society. Ethnic peculiarities of the various peoples and their identities are under threat today. In today's world, people are trying to impose a particular model as the only true, calling the process of globalization as an objective. Features globalization manifested in the fact that social processes in one part of the world to a greater extent determined by what happens in all other parts of it. In the process of globalization is a compression of space, time pressed, geographical and national boundaries are becoming increasingly blurred and easily surmountable. It increases the intensity of the circulation of people and capital, goods and services, as well as information on the entire planet. From a scientific point of view, globalization is a "term to describe the situation changes in all aspects of society, influenced by the global trend toward interdependence and openness. The engine of globalization are modern capitalism, understood as a phase of human history and how a certain carrier (neoliberal) geopolitical and political program "[1]. Due to the impact of globalization on the Russian society, the relevance of studying the institution of the family and its social role is determined by profound changes in Russian society, which directly affected his bases and traditional values. Undoubtedly, it worsens the social situation of families, causing a crisis and the fall of the importance of the family as a whole. However, excessive exaggeration of the situation does not allow an objective analysis of the changes that are taking place in the modern family. It follows that it is necessary to focus on identifying and studying the potential of adapting it to changes in conditions and external influences while maintaining its internal resistance.
Urbanization is a very topical subject of research. Actively exploring its social, economic, demographic, environmental aspects. Along with them very relevant is the perception of the urban environment in the structures of everyday experience of citizens. Daily life - one of the areas of human experience, characterized by a special form of perception and understanding of the world. The world of everyday life - it's not just the personal, private world of one individual and the objective world, common to all people experienced the same thing. Surrounding people live together not only in general for their world, but it includes as an integral part thereof. The physical existence of other people, their conscious life, the ability to communicate with them, cash social organization and culture - all this is an integral part of city life. By their actions, people define the world of life, their actions are focused on this world, it is a test of the effectiveness and action. Each person creates a world of his own life. Each individual creates their distinctive social and physical environments and that it responds. The modern city is an attractive place to stay, providing ample opportunity for the disclosure of the identity. The space of the city becomes the embodiment and personification of the modern lifestyle, outlook, as well as being rich in different possibilities of activities, saturation, social information, and cultural integration. Unchanged is the desire of citizens to own a house or apartment in an area with clean air, away from industrial enterprises, equipped with seating areas, landscaped courtyards, playgrounds and gardens. The physical space can contribute to a feeling of comfort, harmony and consistency with the human environment or, conversely, can cause feelings of alienation. With considerable social heterogeneity population of the city forms a single territorial entity. To varying degrees, all residents enjoy a whole city and its suburban area - a place of employment and recreation. To varying degrees, all citizens contribute to the formation of the urban environment, contributing to its territorial differentiation and giving its characteristic features. The city is artificially created object is a functional system for the implementation of the expanding needs. However, not only is the sense of the city. City - this is a special way to the maintenance and development of sociality, a method of preservation and reproduction of values and stereotypes, the creation and distribution of a special intellectual and spiritual atmosphere, traditional behavior. City, combining the people and their relationships with each other, various social institutions and organizations, building and civil engineering constructions, natural elements, and more, has some special properties are obvious, samopodtverzhdeniya ("autopoiesis of the city").