Keyword: «violence»

In the article the author considers the problem of adolescents ' perception of violence as a phenomenon. In the course of the experiment revealed emotional and cognitive aspects of the representations of adolescents about violence, a comparative analysis about the views of adolescents about violence. Practical recommendations for the organization of preventive work of teenagers are given. The study will be useful for parents, teachers and psychologists.
The article presents a study of the causes of destructive development of the child's personality. The main determinant of the formation of destructions in the development of the child is violence and abuse in the family. The development of abused children has psychological characteristics that differ from the norm.
this article actualizes the problem of creating psychological security in the educational environment. The content of the concept of «psychological security» from the point of view of different authors is revealed. The author offers the results of the study of the features of ideas about the psychological safety of the educational environment in older adolescents.
The article analyzes the problem of bullying. The authors consider the concept of bullying, its types, manifestations, as well as the degree of prevalence among older adolescents in a general education institution. A study is presented, based on the data of which recommendations for the prevention of bullying have been developed for general education institutions.
In the article, the author examines the essence of bullying and its consequences for the personal development of adolescents. The reasons for the occurrence of bullying in educational institutions are explained. Using the example of an empirical study conducted at school among adolescents, it is shown that bullying is a common phenomenon and negatively affects personal characteristics: self-esteem, social status in a group, behavior and the development of neuropsychiatric and behavioral disorders.