Keyword: «violence»

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From the perspective of the constructivist approach, the concept of "aggression" is viewed, the limits of the concepts "inside" and "outside" are established, their explanatory characteristics are given and the approach to the classification of aggression from the perspective of its impact on personal and professional development is suggested.
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The author reflects the results of the study on topic “Violence against women in the family”. The author analyzes the scale of the problem, correlation of social and demographic characteristics (age, education, income) and frequency of violence against women in the family.
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Drowning is a serious social problem and occupies 6th place in the structure of violent deaths. The features of dimensions and configurations of front abdominal wall, forms of abdomen in different types of drowning have been revealed. On the basis of own anthropometry, laparometry and planktonscopy research three-staging algorithm of definition of a drowning place is offered.
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The article presents the analysis of the problem of bullying in the educational environment of the modern school; describes its causes and health risks of students. Describes the results of empirical research of peculiarities of manifestation of bullying among today's teenagers.
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The nationalism issue has become extremely popular in Western countries. In the US, they are already exploring the question of what the open support of Russian nationalists will give them, whether it will eventually change the political regime in our country, help remove people hateful to the West, make our country and most importantly resources fully open to the United States. Some politicians in the West and in Russia frighten the rest of the world with Russian nationalists. The article analyzes the ideal historical conditions for Russian nationalism, the prospects for its development in Russia in the future.