Keyword: «volunteer»

The article examines the activities of the volunteer movement in the Smolensk branch of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics during the epidemiological period of the COVID-19 pandemic. The significance of students ' voluntary initiative is described.
Wars were always started by politicians with the help of financial means and equipment, and ordinary soldiers finished. But a good soldier still needs to be called, dressed, fed, trained, armed, motivated to win and throw into battle. In this regard, mobilization and its entire system on a state scale remains very relevant in the modern age of nuclear and hypersonic technologies. A victory in the war bring ordinary people who need to provide everything necessary. In the article, on the basis of the above, the system of recruitment and training of specialists of the intendant service, within the mobilization company of the Russian-Japanese war of 1904-1905 is considered.
The article presents an analysis of the volunteer movement in the city of Syzran. Based on empirical data, a conclusion is made about the significant role of volunteering in the military-patriotic education of young people. The diversity of forms and directions of volunteer activity is noted, as well as the presence of consistency in the education of the younger generation, stable motivation of the need for public service is emphasized.
The article examines the fate of people involved in a special military operation conducted by Russia. The motivation of those who volunteer for the front is revealed. The emphasis is on what drives such people a sense of duty. This is a duty to oneself, to family, to relatives and friends who make up a close circle. It shows how this close circle expands with the inner growth of the characters and their understanding of the events taking place. It is emphasized that the heroes consider themselves called upon to stop the evil that brings death and destruction of destinies, or by virtue of the possibilities to help those who are fighting this evil. As a result, the sense of involvement of the heroes in the fate of the country is aggravated. In addi-tion, the article traces the spiritual growth of the heroes.