Ключевое слово: «academic performance»

Палатова Д. А., Константинова С. В. The necessity of implementing five-minute in-class physical activity breaks into school and university lesson plans // Научно-методический электронный журнал «Концепт». – 2022. – . – URL: http://e-koncept.ru/2022/0.htm
A tendency for a sedentary lifestyle is becoming more common among people from different age groups, which has a negative impact on their health. To fight against this tendency at any age group, the World Health Organization recommends limiting the amount of time spent being sedentary through doing regular physical activity throughout the day. This article states that educational institutions should take some action to prevent school and university students from living a sedentary lifestyle. It demonstrates how five-minute in-class physical activity breaks improve not only school and university students’ health but also their academic performance. Besides, it suggests several examples of in-class physical exercises that educators can add to their lesson plans. Above all, it encourages school and university educators to test if they could benefit by implementing these breaks into their lesson plans.