Ключевое слово: «business process (bp)»

Кассу Р. , Яковенко С. А. TRIZ and Production system: Methodological and Organizational View of their Interaction // Научно-методический электронный журнал «Концепт». – 2023. – . – URL: http://e-koncept.ru/2023/0.htm
The methods of TRIZ and the Production system *differ in properties and opportunities, de-spite some similarity in their primary function while their application on production sites (search/solution of problems and shortcomings). This distinction is caused by the difference of classes and the nature of the studied problems. The experience of the implementation of TRIZ at the enterprises, where rather a wide experience of the implementation of the Production system has already been accumulated, shows both advantages and shortcomings of the interaction of these two concepts in the uniform space of resources and restrictions. There is a set of viewpoints on how tools of these two methodologies must/can be integrated. Their review is presented in publications written by numerous authors. The aim of this research is the presentation of orderly theoretical and practical data on the integration perspective. In this article there was performed a task to suggest an updated approach based on the experience of the existence of two methodically aimed infrastructures (TRIZ and the Production system) at domestic enterprises. * The Production system is a concept of lean production management at domestic enterprises, derivative from Lean manufacturing