Ключевое слово: «emotion»

Синькина А. В., Колобова А. А. PARALANGUAGE IN FICTION // Научно-методический электронный журнал «Концепт». – 2023. – . – URL: http://e-koncept.ru/2023/0.htm
The article is dedicated to the problem of using paralinguistic means in a literary text, which are the object of this study. The most well-known classification of paralinguistic means is thoroughly considered and, as the aim of this research, the specifics of their functioning is illustrated on the material of the book “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” by J. K. Rowling. The conclusion is made about the importance of using paralinguistic units in a literary text and also about further prospects for the study of this field of paralinguistics. The novelty of this research consists in studying paralinguistic means on the example of the previously unused material.