Ключевое слово: «floods»

Катанов Т. А., Кардашевский Я. М., Петров Н. В. WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENT SYSTEM IN RESERVOIRS FOR MONITORING FLOOD SITUATIONS // Научно-методический электронный журнал «Концепт». – 2023. – . – URL: http://e-koncept.ru/2023/0.htm
This article discusses the problem of late notification of the flood situation in the region and proposes a project-a system for measuring the water level in reservoirs for monitoring flood situations. The system consists of several parts: a water level meter for monitoring flood situations based on ultrasonic sensors, a module for receiving and transmitting data from monitoring systems taking into account locations without GSM coverage based on RF modules, a base station for data transmission using cloud technology, a web page, as well as a script for reading and processing data from the database data. In this work, schematics of the entire hardware part of the system were implemented and programs for microcontrollers of the corresponding parts were developed, including a data output site. The paper also presents the result of testing a prototype with the implementation of key functions of the system.