Ключевое слово: «mtt test»

Готовцев Р. А., Рябчикова Д. Н. COMPARATIVE DETERMINATION OF CELL VIABILITY USING MTT AND TRYPAN BLUE // Научно-методический электронный журнал «Концепт». – 2023. – . – URL: http://e-koncept.ru/2023/0.htm
Cell viability studies are conducted to measure the proportion of viable cells not only after cryopreservation, but also to study cytotoxicity or proliferative activity of cells. The mechanism underlying the analysis is also not fully understood, and there are still disagreements and uncertainties regarding some aspects, such as which additional organelles, enzymes and molecules are involved in the restoration of MTT, the origin of extracellular crystals of formazan, the cytotoxic effect of the MTT reagent itself and how the measurements of the analysis reflect the viability of cells, metabolic activity and/or toxicity of treatment [2, p. 166]. The MTT method, which was first described by Mosmann more than 30 years ago [3, p. 57], is widely used as a screening method for measuring cell survival and is included in most protocols of methods of molecular biology and medicine [4, p.142; 2, p. 167]. Currently, there are several methods for assessing the viability of cells based on various biochemical processes occurring inside the cell.