Ключевое слово: «nordic walking»

Сивцева У. В., Ноговицына О. С. SCANDINAVIAN WALKING AS A MEANS OF OPTIMIZING THE PHYSICAL CONDITION OF ELDERLY PEOPLE (BASED ON THE EXAMPLE OF RESIDENTS OF THE VILLAGE OF CHURAPCHA) // Научно-методический электронный журнал «Концепт». – 2024. – . – URL: http://e-koncept.ru/2024/0.htm
This work is related to the trend in the development of physical inactivity, which is observed among people in older age groups. Recently, in our country, as well as in the Republic, serious attention has been paid to the issue of active longevity. According to the concept of active longevity, aimed at maintaining health and improving the quality of life, the development of inde-pendence, autonomy and social activity of older people is largely facilitated by maintaining mobility (Golubeva E.Yu., Danilova R.I., 2010).