Ключевое слово: «program evaluation»
Зубков А. Д. Features of professional foreign language competence development in students majoring in international business // Научно-методический электронный журнал «Концепт». – 2023. – № 11 (ноябрь). – С. 132–144. – URL: http://e-koncept.ru/2023/231114.htm
ART 231114
DOI 10.24412/2304-120X-2023-11114
Просмотров: 810
In an increasingly globalized world, the development of professional foreign language skills is crucial for university students majoring in the International Business, but the existing level of teaching is often insufficient. This highlights the need for specialized foreign language teaching adapted to authentic work contexts. This paper examines the principles and methodology for optimizing professional foreign language teaching, which enables the design of a teaching system tailored to the future needs of students. The main purpose of this article is to review the principles and methodologies for the development of professional foreign language competence optimized for students specializing in international business, taking into account their future needs. The analysis is based on applied linguistics, discourse analysis and language education theory. Key approaches include the use of corpus analysis and genre studies to identify target language use, the application of needs assessment and a competency model to curriculum design, and the integration of real-life business tasks and texts to contextualize learning. A multidimensional set of competencies is highlighted, including communicative competence, analytical ability, intercultural expertise, and strategic skills. Active project-based methodologies are offered to engage students in practical activities. Continuous program evaluation is offered to ensure relevance and accountability. This research-based approach transforms foreign language education into specialized training for the global business environment. The article provides valuable guidance on how to design curricula, teaching and assessment methodologies with key professional language competencies in mind. This can enhance learning outcomes and optimize graduates' readiness to work in multicultural and multilingual business environments. Further applied re-search is needed to improve this integrated system through job analyses, pedagogical supervision and tracking of long-term learning outcomes. The theoretical significance lies in generalizing and extending cur-rent research on the principles of language education, needs analysis and the development of communicative competence, providing an integrated framework for developing a concept of optimized professional language teaching. The practical significance lies in offering recommendations to curriculum developers, program coordinators and teachers seeking to improve language competence outcomes and prepare graduates for the complex demands of globalizing professional careers.