Ключевое слово: «the british empire»

Палатова Д. А. ‘Love’ and ‘marriage’ in the British Raj in R. Kipling’s collection of short stories “Plain Tales from the Hills” // Научно-методический электронный журнал «Концепт». – 2021. – . – URL: http://e-koncept.ru/2021/0.htm
In his first collection of short stories “Plain Tales from the Hills”, J.R. Kipling portrays the realities of the British Raj, unravelling a variety of changes that imperialism and colonization brought to the lives of the British and Indians. Two of the central topics that this collection reveals are ‘love’ and ‘marriage’ in the British Raj described from different angles and perspectives. The main objective of the article is to introduce readers to several short stories that depict the aspects of ‘love’ and ‘marriage’ in the colonized India. The article also aims to prove that R. Kipling’s short stories can contribute to a deeper understanding of the colonial past of the British Empire and its consequences.