Olga Kondrateva

City: g.Chelyabinsk
44 Publications in RSCI
7 H-index
23 PAPAI index
8 Publications in the journal


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In modern society, the problem of overcoming shyness in adolescents has not lost its relevance for many years. In the course of its solution, contradictions arose connected, on the one hand, with the study of the level of manifestation, and on the other hand, with the development of specific pedagogical technologies, methods, programs that would reduce the negative effects of shyness. The goal is to study the specifics of preventive work with adolescent shyness within the framework of a music education studio and work out pedagogical recommendations for the implementation of this activity. Research methods and techniques: theoretical - analysis and generalization of psychological and pedagogical literature; empirical – experiment, ascertaining experiment, testing (method of diagnosing shyness by K. S. Chechulina, the "Ladder" technique by V. G. Shchur, the method of studying self-attitude by S. R. Panteleev); methods of mathematical data processing – Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. The experimental base of the research is the “Rostok” musical education studio at the Palace of Arts for Children and Youth in Kopeysk. The study involved adolescents - pupils of the studio - at the age of 12–14 years (N = 30). A high level of shyness was found in 37% of the subjects, an extremely high level in 10%. This means that the pupils of the music studio are closed, experience difficulties in communicating with their peers and with the teacher, cannot demonstrate their abilities and talents, and react painfully to comments and criticism. Testing the hypothesis using the Spearman rank correlation coefficient showed that the level of shyness of adolescents was associated with the level of their self-evaluation, the correlation between them is reliable, the direction of the correlation is the opposite: a high level of shyness corresponds to a low level of self-evaluation. Therefore, you must avoid the conditions when a child is in a situation of uncertainty or doubt. The teacher should involve the teenager in public affairs that he can participate in; praise him/her when the teenager shows independence; stimulate his/her personal responsibility for any actions and avoid tension situations.
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Based on the analysis of theoretical literature and empirical data, it was determined that a great number of fears among modern children is an urgent problem for preschool educational institutions. The purpose of the work is to examine the fears of preschoolers and make recommendations for preventive work with them. Methods of empirical research: ascertaining experiment; testing according to the methods: C-scale "Fears and worries in children" (A. I. Zakharov), drawing test "My family"; anxiety test (R. Tamml, M. Dorki, V. Amen) (for diagnosing children), anxiety test by Ch. D. Spielberger (interpreted by Yu. L. Khanin) (for diagnosing mothers); methods of mathematical and statistical data processing are represented by Spearman's rank correlation criterion. The study was conducted on the basis of the Municipal state preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 7" of the Yemanzhelinsky municipal district of the Chelyabinsk region (N = 60). As a result, the authors revealed statistically significant correlations of fears with the general level of anxiety of the child, the general level of personal anxiety of the mother, and the child's ideas about his/her family. Therefore, a comprehensive program of preventive work is required, taking into account the level of anxiety of children, the anxiety of their mothers and the peculiarities of family upbringing. The most commonly used preventive measures are those that provide information for a better understanding of problems and their resolution. Most of these prevention programs involve cognitive-behavioral approaches, which explains why most of the preventive measures were found in the field of pedagogy. But this pedagogical process must necessarily start with a diagnosis, which is necessary for the development of appropriate preventive strategies (for example, the formation of problem-solving skills, self-esteem or social support). Pedagogical interaction should be highly professional and begin with a diagnosis based on a battery of tests that we have tested. We recommend holding a series of educational meetings, trainings for parents on managing their own anxieties, discussing traumatic behavior by means of conferences, videos, lectures or newsletters.
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Modeling is used in any professional activity, it is a classical method of obtaining, describing and using knowledge. However, we could not find the model of students’ conflict behavior pedagogical correction in the educational environment of the college in the available literature. Therefore, the aim of the research is to develop a model of pedagogical correction of students' conflict behavior, to compile and test a program for its implementation in the educational environment of the college. Methodology and methods. The implemented modeling is conditioned by the identification of features, principles, classifications, requirements, stages of modeling. Three methods were used: K. Thomas's test, "Conflict level of personality" by E.I. Rogov, "Modular Sociotest" by A.Ya. Antsupov. The first-year students of the State Technical College "Lisakovskiy Technical College", specializing in "Construction and operation of buildings and structures" (N = 25), were selected as the pilot experimental base. Results and discussion. To implement the model studied, the program for the pedagogical correction of students’ conflict behavior in the educational environment of the college was created and used. After the implementation of the program, cooperation became the dominant strategy of behavior in the conflict situation, the average level of conflict prevailed; relations in dyads "student-group" and "morality-professionalism" were equalized. The students managed to develop the skills to exit the conflict constructively, to improve the skills of empathy and reflection, and also to use methods of emotions and behavior self-regulation. Conclusion. The conducted research showed that the discussed modeling and the program created for its implementation contributed to a positive dynamics of the main criterial indicators of the successful pedagogical correction of students’ conflicting behavior in the educational environment of the college.
The paper studies the relationship of situational anxiety and self-esteem of adolescents; It is shown that elevated levels of situational anxiety negatively affects the self-esteem of adolescents; Study the relationship between situational anxiety and self-esteem of adolescents conducted by the following methods: theoretical, psycho-diagnostic, correlation.
The article is devoted to the problem of forming emotional burnout of teachers. The process of gradual loss of energy (emotional, physical, cognitive) symptoms manifested in emotional exhaustion, physical fatigue, personal detachment of teachers, to reduce job satisfaction. Investigation of burnout teachers will identify landmarks in the development of preventive and corrective actions specified condition.