Keyword: «musical education»

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The article considers problem of the development of modern means of artistic personality formation. By retrospective and comparative analysis of the development of art education in the Left-Bank Ukraine Collegium XVIІІ – beg. The nineteenth century. reveals the impact of arts education on the level of culture and comprehensive development of the school and studens past and present, that is the key objective of modernization of contemporary art education.
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The paper deals with current issues of artistic taste education of children and youth by means of musical art. The basis for the author's thinking is the pedagogical potential of the category “taste”. Particular atten-tion is paid to the analysis of the views of scientists-musicologists and educators-practitioners to the prob-lem of artistic taste education during musical activity.
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The article deals with the problem of forming an emotionally-evaluative attitude to music among third-graders during extracurricular activities. The aim of the work is the formation of an emotionally-evaluative attitude to music among third-graders through the integration of modern educational technologies with the means of ethnic pedagogy as part of extracurricular activities program “School of Folklore”. Based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical research and the pedagogical experiment, the authors reveal the content of the components of the emotional-evaluative attitude to music, define the subjects of the extracurricular activities program “School of Folklore” and the pedagogical conditions that contribute to the effective formation of an emotional-evaluative attitude to music among third-graders.
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In modern society, the problem of overcoming shyness in adolescents has not lost its relevance for many years. In the course of its solution, contradictions arose connected, on the one hand, with the study of the level of manifestation, and on the other hand, with the development of specific pedagogical technologies, methods, programs that would reduce the negative effects of shyness. The goal is to study the specifics of preventive work with adolescent shyness within the framework of a music education studio and work out pedagogical recommendations for the implementation of this activity. Research methods and techniques: theoretical - analysis and generalization of psychological and pedagogical literature; empirical – experiment, ascertaining experiment, testing (method of diagnosing shyness by K. S. Chechulina, the "Ladder" technique by V. G. Shchur, the method of studying self-attitude by S. R. Panteleev); methods of mathematical data processing – Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. The experimental base of the research is the “Rostok” musical education studio at the Palace of Arts for Children and Youth in Kopeysk. The study involved adolescents - pupils of the studio - at the age of 12–14 years (N = 30). A high level of shyness was found in 37% of the subjects, an extremely high level in 10%. This means that the pupils of the music studio are closed, experience difficulties in communicating with their peers and with the teacher, cannot demonstrate their abilities and talents, and react painfully to comments and criticism. Testing the hypothesis using the Spearman rank correlation coefficient showed that the level of shyness of adolescents was associated with the level of their self-evaluation, the correlation between them is reliable, the direction of the correlation is the opposite: a high level of shyness corresponds to a low level of self-evaluation. Therefore, you must avoid the conditions when a child is in a situation of uncertainty or doubt. The teacher should involve the teenager in public affairs that he can participate in; praise him/her when the teenager shows independence; stimulate his/her personal responsibility for any actions and avoid tension situations.
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The article reveals the role and importance of music in the family for the formation of a full-fledged and harmonious personality. It is concluded that the “Music for All” project contributes to the formation of the child’s skills and abilities, thanks to which he can withstand modern challenges. The “Music for Everyone” project is considered as a fundamental basis for personal growth in the family - a valuable tool that ensures the harmonious emotional and intellectual development of the child.